Happy Birthday, The Legend of Zelda! Which game is our favorite?

The Legend of Zelda turns 33 today.

Let that sink in.

Ever since its release on February 21st, 1986, The Legend of Zelda has been a cultural touchstone not just for Nintendo, but for video games in general. In its more than three decades of existence, The Legend of Zelda has consistently been the gold standard for a particular kind of action/adventure game that not many people do these days. Yes, some entries have missed more than they’ve hit, but for the most part, the importance of The Legend of Zelda can’t be overstated enough.

Here at Stat X Media, we have been huge fans of the series in its many iterations throughout the years. Some of us agree on which is the best game in the series, while others have their own personal favorites. Here are our own personal pics for what we individually think are best games in the series (separated by each member of Stat X Media):

Alejandro Segovia (Cofounder/Director of "Critical Corner"): 
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”

Nailing which game in the Zelda series is my favorite has always been an ever-shifting narrative in my head. Think about it as moving sands. Some days, I think the most recent entry, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild deserves top spot for the way it evolved the series formula. Other times, I think the ever-charming The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker comes out on top. Yes, for the majority of people, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and its 3DS pseudo sequel A Link Between Worlds are the perfect videogames and the obvious top picks, and no one can dispute that opinion. For me though, when I think of the series, only one game comes out on top most of the time, and that is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is the one game I always remember it beat by beat compared to the other games. I remember the great moments in all of them, yet the impact Ocarina of Time had on me rocked my world. From its legendary dungeons (yes, I’m including the Water Temple here), its epic storyline, and the groundwork it laid out for this kind of game moving forward is the thing that forever sticks with me ‘til this day.  

Runner Ups: 2. Wind Waker  3. Twilight Princess. 4. Majora's Mask. 5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Parker Hanson (Cofounder/Creative Director): 
“The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds”

I grew up loving The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and it ultimately made me fall in love with the series and I firmly believed that nothing could or would ever top it.

Whelp, I was wrong.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was my perfect Zelda title. How come? If you're asking this then you haven't played it. Go try it! Even if it's not your personal favorite, you'll be glad you played through it!

Runner Ups: 2. Link to the Past. 3. Breath of the Wild. 4. Ocarina of Time. 5. Skyward Sword.

Zac Jones (Production Intern/Art Team): 
“The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds”

I've always been more of a third person over the shoulder type person. So, when I got a top down retro style game I didn't know what to think; but hey, it came free with my 3ds so might as well try it. Right? I immediately fell in love with the game. While the main mechanic of becoming a painting isn't the most exciting mechanic to be introduced in a Zelda game, everything from the gameplay to the puzzles to the innovative rental mechanic had me enthralled in A Link Between Worlds.

Runner ups: 2. Breath of the Wild. 3. Majora’s Mask. 4. Ocarina of Time. 5. Everything else

Paul Edwards (Creative Partner): 
“The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker”

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda majorly because it was my first experience with the series. I resonated immediately with the cute art style and when I set out on my grand adventure it made things all the more intense knowing I was nothing more than a round-faced, adorably rendered child. The vibrant colors still fill my thoughts sometimes when I close my eyes, and the timeless, cheerful music never fails to bring a smile to my heart when I hear it.

Runner Ups: 2. Breath of the Wild. 3. Twilight Princess. 4. Everything else

Agree with our pics? Disagree? Let us Know!


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