Red Coats and Crying Devils: A "Devil May Cry" Retrospective

Few series’ have earned their place as true modern classics the way Devil May Cry has. Everything from its unexpected creation to the modern revival, fans around the world have identified with the white-haired, fast-talking protagonist, Dante, and found a game series that has completely revolutionized the style-based hack-n-slash genre, and many others even beyond its own genre. This is going to be a heartfelt highlight reel of what makes us connect with a series about a pizza-loving half demon and what makes me personally so excited about the newest iteration coming on March 8 th . Initial experience Flash back if you will to a time before the prevalence of the internet, a time before the over-commercialized atmosphere we know today where secrets are few and far between. I won’t try to sugarcoat my own pedigree and say that I was born with an Atari stick in my hand, but occasionally in the life that was my childhood under careful paren...